New podcast episode: "From fire to loops"
Guests in this episode are Claire Arkin of Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) and Rossano Ercolini, president of Zero Waste Europe and co-initiator of the no-burn success story in Capannori, Italy.
Is incineration, burning waste, a good idea? Answer: No. Ha! Easy as that. Well, there’s more to it.
In this episode of Love Zero Waste, “From fire to loops, we’ll explore how incineration is hindering the closing of the loops and the transition towards a circular economy, and what the more sustainable alternatives are (spoiler alert: designing out waste!).
Learn how the now world-famous town in Italy, Capannori chose another path than incineration and developed a locally adapted waste management plan, a solution that has panned out so well, that it has inspired more than 400 European municipalities to do the same.
Also hosts Evelina Lundqvist and Malin Leth have a lot to say on the topic of incineration, “Burning waste - is never actually zero waste”.
Guests in this episode are Claire Arkin, communications coordinator of Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) and Rossano Ercolini, president of Zero Waste Europe and co-initiator of the no-burn success story in Capannori, Italy.
As always: we’d love to get your feedback on the epsiode! Did you learn something new? Would you recommed others to listen to Love Zero Waste. Get in touch!
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Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, GAIA
Zero Waste Europe
A technical guide on waste to energy alternatives (WIEGO)
The Story of Capannori – a Zero Waste Champion (GAIA)
Burning issue: are waste-to-energy plants a good idea? (The Guardian)
Trends in Solid Waste Management (World Bank)
Incineration (Wikipedia)
Is burning plastic waste a good idea? (National Geographic)
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Hosts and creators: Malin Leth and Evelina Lundqvist
Jingle: Michael Steinkellner of Merlinn Sound
Initiators of the Love Zero Waste community: Evelina Lundqvist and Alexandra Poetz
Love Zero Waste is a collaboration between Circulous and The Good Tribe.
Illustrator Carlotta Cataldi’s interpretation of the podcast episode “From fire to loops”.